Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Difference Between Solar Eclipse And Lunar Eclipse

Difference Between Solar And Lunar Eclipse
The major dissimilarities or difference between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Solar Eclipse: An astronomical event in which moon blocks the sun.
Lunar Eclipse: An astronomical event in which earth blocks the sun.

2. What Is It?

Solar Eclipse: It is moon's shadow on the earth.
Lunar Eclipse: It is earth's shadow on the moon.

3. Position Of Moon And Earth

Solar Eclipse: It occurs when moon is in the middle of sun and earth.
Lunar Eclipse: It occurs when earth in the middle of sun and moon.

4. Visible

Solar Eclipse: It is less visible than lunar eclipse because of small shadow of moon.
Lunar Eclipse: It is widely visible than solar eclipse because of big shadow of earth.

5. Lasts For

Solar Eclipse: It lasts for short period of time because of small shadow ( generally about 4-9 minutes)
Lunar Eclipse: It lasts for longer period of time because of big shadow (generally about 40-60 minutes)

6. Occurs During

Solar Eclipse: Day
Lunar Eclipse: Night

7. Occurrence Frequency

Solar Eclipse: Once in one and half year (18 months)
Lunar Eclipse: Once in six months

8. Safe To Look

Solar Eclipse: It is not safe to look with naked eyes.
Lunar Eclipse: It is 100 % safe to look with naked eyes.

Solar Eclipse Vs Lunar Eclipse (Comparison Chart)


 Solar Eclipse
 Lunar Eclipse

 It occurs when sun is blocked by moon
 It occurs when sun is blocked by earth
 Position Of Earth And Moon

 Moon is in the middle
 Earth is in the middle

 Less visible
 Widely visible
 Lasting Period

 Occurs During

 Day time
 Occurrence Frequency 

 1.5 years
 6 months
 Safe To Look


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between solar and lunar eclipse and to make comparison between them.