Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Difference Between Trust And Believe

Difference Between Trust And Believe
The major dissimilarities or difference between trust and believe can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Trust: Having a faith and high level of confidence of a person or something.
Believe: to accept or to think a person or thing is true.

2. Based On

Trust: It is based on faith
Believe: It is based on thought

3. Degree Of Faith

Trust: It represents very high degree of faith
Believe: It represents less degree of faith and confidence than trust

4. Noun Or Verb

Trust: It can be used as both noun and verb
Believe: It is used as a verb only

Also Read: 

5. Nature

Trust: It is temporary in nature and can be changed
Believe: It is permanent in nature and cannot be broke or changed

6. Proof And Experience

Trust: It requires proof and experience to build trust. For example, we trust our friends.
Believe: It does not require proof and experience. For example, people believe in ghosts without any proof.

Trust Vs Believe (Comparison Chart)



 High level of faith and confidence of a person
 To think something is reliable and true
 Based On

 Degree Of Faith


 Noun and verb


 Not required

 Trust with parents
 Believe in ghosts

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between trust and believe and to make comparison.