Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Difference Between Rotation And Revolution

Difference Between Rotation And Revolution
The major dissimilarities or difference between rotation and revolution can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Rotation: It is a circular motion of a body around an internal axis
Revolution: It is a circular motion of a body around another body

2. Axis

Rotation: Within the body (own axis)
Revolution: Outside the body (external axis)

3. Change In Position

Rotation: It does not change the position of the body
Revolution: It changes the position of the body

4. Earth's Rotation And Revolution

Rotation: Earth rotates from east to west in 24 hours which forms day and night.
Revolution: Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days which forms seasons

5. Examples

Rotation: Spinning a ball on a finger, clock hands, earth's rotations are some examples of rotation.
Revolution: Circular movement of earth around the sun and kids merry go are some examples of revolution.

Rotation Vs Revolution (Comparison Chart)



 Circular motion of an object around an internal axis
 Circular motion of a body around another body
 Axis Of

 Another Object
 Change In Position

Rotation And Revolution Of Earth

 Rotates around own axis and forms day or night
 Revolves around the sun and forms seasons

 Spinning a ball, clock hands etc.
 Movement of earth around sun, kids merry go etc.

I hope this post helpful to understand the difference between rotation and revolution and to make comparison between them.