Sunday, February 10, 2019

Difference Between HRM And HRD

Difference Between HRM And HRD

The main dissimilarities or difference between human resource management (HRM) and human resource development (HRD) can be pointed out as follows:

1. Introduction

HRM: It is the process of recruiting required manpower in the organization and effectively utilizing them to obtain the goals and objectives.
HRD: It is the process of nurturing the skills and efficiency of human resource by the help of training and development programs.

2. Scope

HRM: It has a wider scope than human resource development
HRD: Narrow scope than human resource management

3. Part Of Or Not

HRM: It is a whole process of managing human resource in the workplace
HRD: It is a part of human resource management (HRM) which focuses only on employee development

4. Functions

HRM: Assessing human resources, recruitment, selection, reward, compensation, health, safety, labor relation etc.
HRD: Training, development program, coaching etc.

5. Dependency

HRM: It is an independent process
HRD: It is fully dependent on human resource management

6. Purpose

HRM: Proper utilization of human resources
HRD: Improve the skill and efficiency of human resources

Also Read: 

7. Nature

HRM: It is reactive in nature
HRD: It is proactive in nature

8. Type Of Function

HRM: It is a formal function
HRD: Both formal and informal

9. Orientation

HRM: It is maintenance oriented function of management
HRD: It is development oriented function

HRM Vs HRD (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Process of recruiting, selecting and properly utilizing the manpower in the organization
Developing the skills and efficiency of manpower in the organization

Part Of

It is not a part of HRD, it is a whole process
Yes, it is a part of HRM

recruitment, selection, reward, compensation etc.
Training, coaching etc.

Fully independent
Dependent on HRM

Optimum employment of HR
Improve skills and ability of HR

Functions Type

Formal and informal

Maintenance oriented
Development oriented

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between human resource management and human resource development and to make comparison between them.